

Experience ultimate relaxation and rejuvenation with Floatation Therapy in Orleans at Float Nola.

Our spacious float spas provide a tranquil and dream-like environment where you can effortlessly unwind and soothe yourself from life's daily stresses.

During your session, you'll float effortlessly on your back in a dense saline solution that's created by blending 800-1000 lbs of Epsom salt into water. The solution creates buoyancy and a weightless sensation that eliminates the strain of gravity on your body. The spa's temperature is continuously maintained to match skin temperature, and the room is kept dark and silent, promoting an atmosphere of deep relaxation.

At Float Nola, we offer the flexibility to keep the spa's top open or closed during your session, depending on your preference. You can also choose to incorporate calming lights and relaxing music to enhance your experience.

Scientific research has shown that regular Floatation Therapy sessions have both instant and cumulative healthful benefits. Many individuals use Floatation Therapy to alleviate discomfort and stress while achieving a state of deep relaxation and healing. The effects of Floatation Therapy may also include vivid dreaming and a shift in consciousness.

If you're looking to escape the stresses of daily life and experience ultimate relaxation, come to Float Nola for Floatation Therapy in Orleans. Our carefully designed float spa systems are the perfect solution to help you achieve optimal health and wellness.

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  • Arrive 10-15 minutes before your scheduled float to complete necessary paperwork and to also receive a quick tour of our float spa.

  • Freshly colored hair: Wait two weeks before floating.

  • Spray/Faux Tanning: Wait 5 days before you float.

  • It is always best if caffeine is avoided before your float.

  • You may experience a certain level of discomfort while floating if you shave or wax the same day before your appointment.

  • Hydrate and be sure to eat a light meal 2 hours prior to your float.

  • Keep a contact lens case and solution with you if needed.

  • A swimsuit is not necessary - you will always have privacy at our spa.

  • Hygiene is of the utmost importance to us, that’s why our float spa is drained and disinfected after each use. The saline solution is filtered through an extensive system to ensure all impurities are removed while any residue left behind on the interior float spa walls is wiped down and sanitized. All towels, robes, amenities are replenished after each use to ensure proper cleanliness and a safe environment for each guest.



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private shower

soap, shampoo, conditioner



neck support



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  • Having an extra hot shower before your float may cause you to feel cool when first laying in skin temperature solution. We suggest that by keeping the temperature on a comfortably warm setting will help you ease into your floaty bliss without a stark disturbance in temperature change (the water is kept at 95 degrees Fahrenheit in the float spa).

  • Try various positions with your arms to alleviate any discomfort with your neck. A massage before your float might just be what you need if you experience any muscular tension/pain.

  • Steady yourself and allow yourself to drift during your float-try to not push off the walls with too much force.

  • Progressive relaxation is a technique used by many who float. Imagine each muscle and joint starting with your feet. Mentally release tension from each muscle, working your way up the body while taking full, deep breaths into your lungs and belly.

  • Expect nothing and just let everything go.

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90 minutes…………………….120

2 float package…………….200



6 FLOAT PACKAGE………….…425
